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The quality of your life is determined by the quality of your mind.

Our brains are plastic, and our minds are malleable.

To flourish, we need a well-functioning brain and a well-managed mind.  


What we call our Mind (singular), in fact, emerges from the interaction of multiple states-of-mind, and constantly fluctuates between different states of consciousness. In this sense, we have multiple minds. The way we think, feel and behave is determined by which mental states dominate and which are suppressed.  Our ability to flourish is determined by our ability to skillfully manage our multiple minds.   

Train your mind to reduce negative states and cultivate  positive states-of-mind.

1) Learn to recognize which states-of-mind tend to dominate and shape your consciousness;

2) Determine whether these states-of-mind contribute to your well-being, and

3) Train yourself to inhibit troublesome state and reliably activate skillful and helpful states

Explore Mind-Management and more with
MINDRAMP Podcasts  

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