Get in touch with the
Co-Founders of MINDRAMP

MINDRAMP is a pioneering organization, working in the fields of brain health, gerontology and creative aging. For over two decades, Roger and Michael have translated emerging brain and mind research into practical, behavior-based programs to promote brain health and mental flourishing.
Designing Programs to Help People Live Long, & Live Well
Get in Touch

Michael C. Patterson
My work with MINDRAMP has been a labor of love. I have had he opportunity to draw on my passionate interest in science, the humanities and philosophy to develop innovative, evidence-based strategies to help people live long and live well.
Before MINDRAMP, I developed and ran the award-winning Staying Sharp brain health program for AARP and served on the Board of Directors of the National Center for Creative Aging, a national non-profit that promoted creative arts programs for older adults. Earlier in my career I developed innovative programs for PBS that focused on leveraging the educational potential of television. In my distant past I also had a career as an actor and director.
I enjoy sharing my scholarship and creative ideas through books, articles, presentations, classes and the MINDRAMP Podcast series.

Roger Anunsen
I am a brain health educator, consultant and cognitive intervention coach who, since 2001, has been applying brain science breakthroughs to real-life challenges faced by older adults.
After a 26-year career as a Public Defender and private practice attorney, I found a new passion, “a second wind,” working to promote brain health among older adults. I invented MemAerobics, a first-of-its-kind, peer-reiviewed, cognitive intervention program. In 2005, I joined AARP’s Staying Sharp brain health program as a consultant to develop national outreach programs In 2009, I joined with Michael to found MINDRAMP.
In 2018, I was honored as the nation’s top adjunct college instructor by the Association for Gerontology for Higher Education. I have loved the opportunity to travel the country teaching and presenting information about brain health, including a TEDx Talk called The Power of a Smidgen